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Museum of Science and Industry

  • 1 Museum of Science and Industry

    Политехнический музей, один из крупнейших в США. Центральная экспозиция занимает здание, построенное в 1893 как Павильон изящных искусств на Всемирной Колумбовой выставке [ World's Columbian Exposition]; расположен в парке Джексона на Южной стороне [ South Side], вблизи городка Чикагского университета [ Chicago, University of].
    тж Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry
    Достопримечательность г. Чикаго, шт. Иллинойс; расположен в районе Саут-Сайд [ South Side]. Более 2 тыс. экспонатов в 75 залах рассказывают об истории технического прогресса. Среди экспонатов сказочный кукольный замок с канделябрами из настоящих изумрудов, действующий макет угольной шахты, немецкая субмарина, диорамы цирков, а также огромный макет человеческого сердца, внутри которого можно путешествовать

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Museum of Science and Industry

  • 2 Museum of Science and Industry

    Музей науки и промышленности ( в Чикаго). Самый популярный из чикагских музеев; 75 залов, более 2 тыс. экспонатов. Здесь в натуральную величину представлена даже типичная ферма американского Среднего Запада. Наиболее популярные экспонаты: сказочный замок с настоящими хрустальными канделябрами, действующая модель шахты, модель человеческого сердца (настолько большая, что в неё можно войти), немецкая подводная лодка времён II мировой войны. Многие экспонаты приводятся в движение нажатием кнопки, что особенно привлекает детей

    США. Лингвострановедческий англо-русский словарь > Museum of Science and Industry

  • 3 Oregon Museum of Science and Industry

    Museums: OMSI

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Oregon Museum of Science and Industry

  • 4 Mercer, John

    SUBJECT AREA: Textiles
    b. 21 February 1791 Great Harwood, Lancashire, England
    d. 30 November 1866 Oakenshaw, Lancashire, England
    English pioneer in textile chemistry.
    Mercer began work at the age of 9 as a bobbinwinder and then a hand-loom weaver. He had no formal education in chemistry but taught himself and revealed remarkable ability in both theoretical and applied aspects of the subject. He became the acknowledged "father of textile chemistry" and the Royal Society elected him Fellow in 1850. His name is remembered in connection with the lustrous "mercerized" cotton which, although not developed commercially until 1890, arose from his discovery, c. 1844, of the effect of caustic soda on cotton linters. He also discovered that cotton could be dissolved in a solution of copper oxide in ammonia, a phenomenon later exploited in the manufacture of artificial silk. As a youth, Mercer experimented at home with dyeing processes and soon acquired sufficient skill to set up as an independent dyer. Most of his working life was, however, spent with the calico-printing firm of Oakenshaw Print Works in which he eventually became a partner, and it was there that most of his experimental work was done. The association was a very appropriate one, for it was a member of this firm's staff who first recognized Mercer's potential talent and took the trouble in his spare time to teach him reading, writing and arithmetic. Mercer developed manganese-bronze colours and researched into catalysis and the ferrocyanides. Among his innovations was the chlorination of wool in order to make it print as easily as cotton. It was many years later that it was realized that this treatment also conferred valuable shrink-resisting qualities. Becoming interested in photochemistry, he devised processes for photographic printing on fabric. Queen Victoria was presented with a handkerchief printed in this way when she visited the Great Exhibition of 1851, of which Mercer was a juror. A photograph of Mercer himself on cloth is preserved in the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester. He presented papers to the British Association and was a member of the Chemical Society.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    FRS 1850.
    Further Reading
    Obituary, Manchester Memoirs, Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society.
    Dictionary of National Biography.
    E.A.Parnell, 1886. The Life and Labours of John Mercer, F.R.S., London (biography). 1867, biography, Journal of the Chemical Society.
    A.E.Musson and E.Robinson, 1969, Science and Technology in the Industrial Revolution, Manchester (includes a brief reference to Mercer's work).

    Biographical history of technology > Mercer, John

  • 5 Chicago

    Третий по величине город в США. Расположен на севере штата Иллинойс на юго-западном побережье озера Мичиган [ Michigan, Lake]. 2,8 млн. жителей (2000), Большой Чикаго (с пригородными зонами в штатах Индиана и Висконсин) - МСА [ MSA] Чикаго-Гэри-округ Лейк - более 9,1 млн. жителей. Крупнейший транспортный узел США - порт на оз. Мичиган при впадении в него р. Чикаго [ Chicago River], по которой начинается канал оз. Мичиган - р. Миссисипи [ Mississippi River], международный аэропорт О'Хэйр [ O'Hare International Airport], крупнейший в мире железнодорожный узел (здесь заканчиваются 19 магистралей, общая длина путей в пределах узла равна почти половине всех железнодорожных путей страны). Город снабжается электроэнергией и теплом крупной коммунальной компанией "Коммонуэлс Эдисон" [Commonwealth Edison Company]. Важнейший торгово-финансовый центр, иногда его называют "Великий центральный рынок США" ["the Great Central Market of the United States"]. Крупнейшая товарная биржа [ Chicago Board of Trade], здесь же вторая по значению в США товарная биржа [ Chicago Mercantile Exchange]. Исторически Чикаго славился своими крупнейшими бойнями. Ныне - крупнейший центр тяжелой (металлургия и тяжелое машиностроение), а также электротехнической и электронной промышленности (телеграфно-телефонная аппаратура, бытовая электро-, радио- и телевизионная техника), химической (в том числе нефтехимия), бумажной, полиграфической и пищевой промышленности. Чикаго - второй по значению культурный и научный центр страны. Несколько крупных университетов: Чикагский университет [ Chicago, University of] с его центром ядерных исследований, Северо-западный университет [ Northwestern University], Иллинойский университет [ Illinois, University of], два католических университета [ DePaul University, Loyola University], Иллинойский технологический институт [ Illinois Institute of Technology]. В городе ряд крупных библиотек, Музей естественной истории [ Chicago Natural History Museum], Музей науки и промышленности [ Museum of Science and Industry], Планетарий Адлера [Adler Planetarium], Астрономический музей и ряд других. Крупная коллекция произведений живописи сосредоточена в Художественном институте [ Art Institute of Chicago]. Оперный театр [Chicago Opera Theater], известный Чикагский симфонический оркестр [ Chicago Symphony, The], балетная труппа [Chicago Ballet]. Город расположен дугой вдоль побережья оз. Мичиган с центром в районе впадения в озеро р. Чикаго. Центральная деловая часть города известна под названием "Петля" [ Loop, the]. Здесь расположены главная торговая улица Стейт-стрит [ State Street] с крупным универсальным магазином "Маршал Филд" [ Marshall Field's], "Чикагская Уолл-стрит" - улица Ласалль [ La Salle Street], биржи. Красивейшей улицей Чикаго считается Мичиган-авеню [ Michigan Avenue] с крупнейшим отелем [ Chicago Hilton Hotel]. В деловом центре расположены знаменитые небоскребы [ skyscraper]: высочайший в мире "Сирс тауэр" [ Sears Tower] (443 м, 110 этажей, 1974), "Амоко" (346 м, 80 этажей, 1974), "Джон Хэнкок сентер" (343 м, 100 этажей, 1969), "Номер 311, Саут-Уэкер-стрит" (296 м, 65 этажей, 1990), "Номер 2, Пруденшл плаза" (275 м, 64 этажа, 1990), "Эй-Ти-энд-Ти корпорат сентер" (272 м, 60 этажей, 1989), "Номер 900, Норт-Мичиган" (266 м, 66 этажей, 1989), "Уотер тауэр плейс" (262 м, 74 этажа, 1976) и здание "Ферст нэшнл бэнк" (260 м, 60 этажей, 1969). Кроме того в Чикаго имеются еще 45 небоскребов выше 160 м, в 40 этажей и выше. Среди старых высотных зданий достопримечательностью считается небоскреб компании "Палмолив" [Palmolive Building], пережившая пожар 1871 водонапорная башня [ Water Tower] - памятник архитектуры - и здание оптового товарного рынка [ Merchandise Mart] - одно из крупнейших по площади в США. В городе много парков, известный зоопарк [Chicago Zoological Garden, The]. Река Чикаго и два ее рукава делят город на три части - Северную, Южную и Западную стороны [North Side, South Side, West Side]. Один из "молодых" городов США (создан в 1833). В 1673 на этом месте была торговая фактория, в 1803 построен военный форт Дирборн. В 1812 совершено нападение индейцев на поселенцев [Dearborn Massacre], а в 1830 были проданы с аукциона первые участки под застройку. 8 октября 1871 известный пожар [ Chicago Fire] уничтожил практически весь город. 1 мая 1886 в Чикаго состоялась забастовка и демонстрация рабочих, подавленная полицией; в знак памяти 2-й Интернационал принял решение отмечать 1 мая как день международной солидарности трудящихся. В 1925-30 в городе хозяйничали банды гангстеров Аль Капоне [ Capone, Al (Alphonse)], который хвастался: "Полиция у меня в руках", "Чикаго принадлежит мне". Терпение полиции переполнилось после "Кровавой бойни в День Св. Валентина" [ St. Valentine's Day Massacre] - расправы Капоне с бандой соперников, и он был наконец арестован. Как и Нью-Йорк, город долгое время находился под управлением партийных боссов [ boss, (political)]

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Chicago

  • 6 Chicago

    [ʃi:ˊkɑ:gǝu] г. Чикаго, 3- й по величине ( после Нью-Йорка и Лос-Анджелеса) город США, с населением ок. 8 млн. Прозвища: «мировой центр свинобоен» [*‘Hog Butcher of the World'], «город ветров» [*Windy City], «перекрёсток континента» [*Crossroads of the Continent], «город у озера» [*Lake City], «мировой центр съездов и конференций» [*World’s Leading Convention City]. Житель: чикагец [Chicagoan]. Ассоциации: огромный город тружеников, по выражению Карла Сэндберга «город с широкими плечами» [‘City of broad shoulders']; город небоскрёбов, впервые возникших здесь после знаменитого чикагского пожара 1871 [Chicago fire]; здесь находится самый высокий небоскрёб Сирс- Тауэр [Sears Tower]; постоянный соперник Нью-Йорка; город различных этнических групп; первый из крупнейших городов, избравший на выборах 1983 мэра-негра; чикагские гангстеры 1920—30-х гг., и среди них знаменитый Ал Капоне [*Capone, Al]; город, где в 1942 была впервые получена цепная ядерная реакция; знаменитая «Петля» [Loop] — деловой центр Чикаго и Мичиган- авеню [Michigan Avenue] с небоскрёбами, отражающимися в зеркале озера Мичиган, и др. Река: Чикаго- Ривер [*Chicago River]. Районы, улицы, площади: «Петля» [*Loop], «Миля великолепия» [*‘Magnificent Mile'], Мичиган- авеню [*Michigan Avenue], Старый город [*Old Town], «Золотой берег» [*Gold Coast], Бэдлендс [*Badlands III], Мидуэй [*Midway I], Стейт- стрит [*State Street]. Комплексы, здания: Чикагская торговая палата [*(Chicago) Board of Trade], Муниципальный центр [*Civic Center], зал «Аудитория» [*Auditorium], здание компании «Сирс и Робак» [*Sears, Roebuck], небоскрёб «Марина-Сити» [*Marina City], «Хэнкок-Центр» [*John Hancock Center], «Большой Джон» [‘Big John'], здание компании «Стандард ойл» [*Standard Oil building], Пруденшл- билдинг [*Prudential Building]. Музеи, памятные места, экскурсионные маршруты: Водонапорная башня [*Water Tower], Арчи- Центр [*Archie Center], Музей науки и промышленности [*Museum of Science and Industry], Музей естественной истории им. Филда [*Field Museum of Natural History], полицейский департамент Чикаго [*Chicago Police Department]. Худ. музеи, выставки: Чикагский художественный институт [*Art Institute (of Chicago)]. Культурные центры, театры: «Шуберт» [*Shubert], «Студебекер» [*Studebaker II], «Сивик» [*Civic], «Гудман мемориал» [*Goodman Memorial], «Блэкстон-театр» [*Blackstone Theater], «Друри- Лейн Уотер- Тауэр-плейс» [*Drury Lane Water Tower Place], Театр «Аудитория» [*Auditorium Theater], Театральный центр «Аполло» [*Apollo Theater Center], Чикагский симфонический оркестр [*Chicago Symphony Orchestra], Чикагская лирическая опера [*Lyric Opera of Chicago]. Учебные заведения: Чикагский университет [*University of Chicago]. Периодические издания: «Сан таймс» [*‘Sun Times'], «Трибюн» [*‘Tribune, The’ I], «Ридер» [*‘Reader'], «Чикаго» [*‘Chicago’ II]. Парки, зоопарки, аквариумы, планетарии: планетарий Адлера [Adler Planetarium], аквариум Шедда [Shedd Aquarium], парк Линкольна [Lincoln Park], нетронутый уголок природы Гарфилд- Парк [Garfield Park Conservatory], Брукфилдский зоопарк [Brookfield Zoo], парк аттракционов Мариотта [Mariott's Great America]. Спорт: Чикагский стадион [*Chicago Stadium]; скачки «Арлингтонский миллион» [*Arlington Million]; спортивные команды: бейсбольные «Белые носки» [*‘White Sox'] и «Щенята» [*‘Cubs'], футбольные «Медведи» [*‘Bears'] и «Блиц» [*‘Blitz'], баскетбольная «Быки» [*‘Bulls'], хоккейная «Чёрные ястребы» [*‘Black Hawks']. Магазины, рынки: универмаг «Маршалл Филдс» [*Marshall Fields]. Отели: «Ритц-Карлтон» [*‘Ritz-Carlton'], «Хайят- Ридженси-Чикаго» [*‘Hyatt Regency Chicago'], «Палмер-Хаус» [*‘Palmer House'], «Шерман-Хаус» [*‘Sherman House'], «Пик-Конгресс» [*‘Pick Congress']. Рестораны: «Таверна у боен» [*‘Stock Yard Inn'], «Ле Перрокет» [Le Perroquet]. Транспорт: Международный аэропорт О' Хейр [*O'Hare International Airport], аэропорт Мидуэй [*Midway Airport], единая система внутригородского транспорта [Chicago Transit Authority]. Достопримечательности: жилой городок компании Пульман [*Pulman Community], массив Дубовый Парк [*Oak Park], пригороды Северного Берега [*North Shore suburbs]. Фестивали: «Равиниа фестивал» [*Ravinia Festival] в Хайлендском парке, скачки «Арлингтонский миллион» [*Arlington Million], выставка-продажа картин в Старом городе, Открытый чемпионат по гольфу [Western Open Golf Tournament] II • ‘Chicago’ «Чикаго», ежемесячный журнал. Издаётся в Чикаго ( штат Иллинойс) III • ‘Chicago’ «Чикаго», стихотворение Карла Сэндберга [*Sandburg, Carl] (1914) IV • ‘Chicago’ «Чикаго», бродвейский мюзикл

    США. Лингвострановедческий англо-русский словарь > Chicago

  • 7 Illinois

    I [ˏɪlǝˊnɔɪ] Иллинойс, штат на Среднем Западе США <инд. племя высоких людей + фр. суффикс -ois>. Сокращение: IL. Прозвища: «штат прерий» [*Prairie State], «страна Линкольна» [*Land of Lincoln], «кукурузный штат» [*Corn State], «штат простаков» [*Sucker State]. Житель штата: иллинойсец [Illinoisan]. Столица: г. Спрингфилд [Springfield]. Девиз: «Суверенитет штатов, национальный союз» [*‘State sovereignty, national union']. Цветок: фиалка [*Native violet]. Дерево: белый дуб [white oak]. Птица: кардинал [cardinal]. Насекомое: бабочка- монарх [monarch butterfly]. Минерал: плавиковый шпат [fluorite]. Песня: «Иллинойс» [‘Illinois’ II]. Площадь: 146076 кв. км [56,4 sq. mi.] (24- е место). Население (1992): св. 11,6 млн. (6- е место). Крупнейшие города: Чикаго [*Chicago I], Рокфорд [Rockford], Пеория [Peoria]. Экономика. Основные отрасли: машиностроение, пассажирские перевозки, оптовая и розничная торговля, банковское дело, операции с недвижимостью, строительство, страхование, обслуживание государственных объектов, сельское хозяйство. Основная продукция: продукция машиностроения, электро- и электронное оборудование, металл и продукция металлообработки, продукция химической промышленности, полиграфии и издательской деятельности, продовольствие и др. продукция пищевой промышленности. Сельское хозяйство. Основные культуры: кукуруза, соя, пшеница, овёс, кормовые травы. Животноводство (1991): скота — 1,98 млн.; свиней — 5,9 млн.; овец129 тыс.; птицы — 3,31 млн. Лесное хозяйство: дуб, орехи гикорипекан, клён, тополь трёхгранный. Полезные ископаемые: уголь, нефть, природный газ, цинк, строительный и промышленный песок и гравий. Рыболовство (1992): на 367 тыс. долл. История: Первыми европейцами на территории Иллинойса были скупщики пушнины, вскоре, в 1673, за ними последовали французские исследователи Жолье [Jolliet] и Маркетт [Marquette], и в 1680 Ла Саль [La Salle], построивший форт неподалёку от нынешней Пеории. Первые французские поселения появились у форта Сент- Луис [St. Louis] на р. Иллинойс (1692) и Каскаския [Kaskaskia] (1700). Французы уступили этот район Англии в 1763, Американский ген. Джордж Кларк [*Clark, George Rogers] в 1778 захватил находившуюся в руках англичан Каскаскию без единого выстрела. Разгром индейцев в войне против Чёрного Ястреба [Black Hawk War] в 1832 и строительство железных дорог в 1850-х гг. привели к быстрому заселению территории. Достопримечательности: музеи и парки Чикаго: Художественный институт [*Art Institute], Музей Филда [*Field Museum], Музей науки и промышленности [*Museum of Science and Industry], аквариум Шед [Shedd Aquarium], планетарий Адлера [Adler Planetarium]; торговый центр Мерчендайз- Март [*Merchandise Mart] в Чикаго; дом и могила А. Линкольна в Спрингфилде. Среди других достопримечательностей: дома лидера мормонов Джозефа Смита в Нову [Nauvoo] и Чикаго; посёлок мормонов в Нову [Nauvoo]; индейские захоронения [Cahokia Mounds] восточнее Сент-Луиса; заповедник диких лесных яблонь [Crab Orchard Wildlife Refuge]; Национальный лес Шони [Shawnee National Forest] в южном Иллинойсе. Знаменитые иллинойсцы: Беллоу, Сол [*Bellow, Saul], писатель; Бенни, Джек [*Benny, Jack], комик; Брэдбери, Рэй [*Bradbury, Ray], писатель; Кабрини, Завьер Фрэнсис [*Cabrini, St. Francis Xavier], монахиня, причисленная к лику святых; Дуглас, Стивен [*Douglas, Stephen A.], политический деятель; Фаррелл, Джеймс [*Farrell, James T.], писатель; Фридан, Бетти [*Friedan, Betty], общественная деятельница; Грант, Улисс [*Grant, Ulysses S.], 18-й президент США; Хемингуэй, Эрнест [*Hemingway, Ernest], писатель; Сэндберг, Карл [*Sandburg, Carl], поэт; Райт, Фрэнк Ллойд [*Wright, Frank Lloyd], архитектор, и др. Ассоциации: «страна Линкольна», место дебатов А. Линкольна со Стивенсоном; Чикаго с его гигантскими небоскрёбами, среди которых самое высокое здание в мире (110 этажей) — небоскрёб Сирс- Тауэр [Sears Tower]; деловой центр Чикаго — «Петля» [*Loop]; оз. Мичиган; чикагские гангстеры 20—30-х гг. XX в., и среди них знаменитый Ал Капоне [*Capone, Al]; чикагский мэр Дейли [*Daley], партийный босс, жестоко расправившийся со студенческой демонстрацией в 60-е гг.; этнические районы и межнациональные распри с поножовщинами; ирландцы, окрашивающие реку в зелёный цвет в День Св. Патрика, и др. II • ‘Illinois’ «Иллинойс» (гимн штата Иллинойс, 1925)

    США. Лингвострановедческий англо-русский словарь > Illinois

  • 8 OMSI

    1) Деловая лексика: Option Market System International

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > OMSI

  • 9 Polhem, Christopher

    b. 18 December 1661 Tingstade, Gotland, Sweden d. 1751
    Swedish engineer and inventor.
    He was the eldest son of Wolf Christopher Polhamma, a merchant. The father died in 1669 and the son was sent by his stepfather to an uncle in Stockholm who found him a place in the Deutsche Rechenschule. After the death of his uncle, he was forced to find employment, which he did with the Biorenklou family near Uppsala where he eventually became a kind of estate bailiff. It was during this period that he started to work with a lathe, a forge and at carpentry, displaying great technical ability. He realized that without further education he had little chance of making anything of his life, and accordingly, in 1687, he registered at the University of Uppsala where he studied astronomy and mathematics, remaining there for three years. He also repaired two astronomical pendulum clocks as well as the decrepit medieval clock in the cathedral. After a year's work he had this clock running properly: this was his breakthrough. He was summoned to Stockholm where the King awarded him a salary of 500 dalers a year as an encouragement to further efforts. Around this time, one of increasing mechanization and when mining was Sweden's principal industry, Pohlem made a model of a hoist frame for mines and the Mines Authority encouraged him to develop his ideas. In 1693 Polhem completed the Blankstot hoist at the Stora Kopparberg mine, which attracted great interest on the European continent.
    From 1694 to 1696 Polhem toured factories, mills and mines abroad in Germany, Holland, England and France, studying machinery of all kinds and meeting many foreign engineers. In 1698 he was appointed Director of Mining Engineering in Sweden, and in 1700 he became Master of Construction in the Falu Mine. He installed the Karl XII hoist there, powered by moving beams from a distant water-wheel. His plan of 1697 for all the machinery at the Falu mine to be driven by three large and remote water-wheels was never completed.
    In 1707 he was invited by the Elector of Hanover to visit the mines in the Harz district, where he successfully explained many of his ideas which were adopted by the local engineers. In 1700, in conjunction with Gabriel Stierncrona, he founded the Stiersunds Bruk at Husby in Southern Dalarna, a factory for the mass production of metal goods in iron, steel and bronze. Simple articles such as pans, trays, bowls, knives, scissors and mirrors were made there, together with the more sophisticated Polhem lock and the Stiersunds clock. Production was based on water power. Gear cutting for the clocks, shaping hammers for plates, file cutting and many other operations were all water powered, as was a roller mill for the sheet metal used in the factory. He also designed textile machinery such as stocking looms and spinning frames and machines for the manufacture of ribbons and other things.
    In many of his ideas Polhem was in advance of his time and Swedish country society was unable to absorb them. This was largely the reason for the Stiersund project being only a partial success. Polhem, too, was of a disputatious nature, self-opinionated almost to the point of conceit. He was a prolific writer, leaving over 20,000 pages of manuscript notes, drafts, essays on a wide range of subjects, which included building, brick-making, barrels, wheel-making, bell-casting, organ-building, methods of stopping a horse from bolting and a curious tap "to prevent serving maids from sneaking wine from the cask", the construction of ploughs and threshing machines. His major work, Kort Berattelse om de Fornamsta Mechaniska Inventioner (A Brief Account of the Most Famous Inventions), was printed in 1729 and is the main source of knowledge about his technological work. He is also known for his "mechanical alphabet", a collection of some eighty wooden models of mechanisms for educational purposes. It is in the National Museum of Science and Technology in Stockholm.
    1729, Kort Berattelse om de Fornamsta Mechaniska Inventioner (A Brief Account of the Most Famous Inventions).
    Further Reading
    1985, Christopher Polhem, 1661–1751, TheSwedish Daedalus' (catalogue of a travelling exhibition from the Swedish Institute in association with the National Museum of Science and Technology), Stockholm.

    Biographical history of technology > Polhem, Christopher

  • 10 Jobard, Jean-Baptiste-Ambroise Marcelin

    b. 14 May 1792 Baissey, Haute-Marne, France
    d. 27 October 1861 Brussels, Belgium
    French technologist, promoter of Belgian industry.
    After attending schools in Langres and Dijon, Jobard worked in Groningen and Maastricht as a cadastral officer from 1811 onwards. After the Netherlands had been constituted as a new state in 1814, he became a Dutch citizen in 1815 and settled in Brussels. In 1825, when he had learned of the invention of lithography by Alois Senefelder, he retired and established a renowned lithographic workshop in Belgium, with considerable commercial profit. After the political changes which led to the separation of Belgium from the Netherlands in 1830, he devoted his activities to the progress of science and industry in this country, in the traditional idea of enlightenment. His main aim was to promote all branches of the young economy, to which he contributed with ceaseless energy. He cultivated especially the transfer of technology in many articles he wrote on his various journeys, such as to Britain, France, Germany and Switzerland, and he continued to do so when he became the Director of the Museum of Industry in Brussels in 1841, editing its Bulletin until his death. Jobard, as a member of societies for the encouragement of arts and industry in many countries, published on almost any subject and produced many inventions. Being a restless character by nature, and having, in addition, a strong attitude towards designing and constructing, he also contributed to mining technology in 1828 when he was the first European to practise successfully the Chinese method of rope drilling near Brussels.
    1840, Plan d'organisation du Musée de l'industrie, présenté au Ministre de l'interieur, Brussels.
    1844, Machines à vapeur, arrêtes et instructions, Brussels.
    1846, Comment la Belgique peut devenir industrielle, à propos de la Société d'exportation, Brussels.
    considérées comme blason de l'industrie et du commerce, dédié à la Société des inventeurs et protecteurs de l'industrie, Brussels.
    1855, Discours prononcé à l'assemblée des industriels réunis pour l'adoption de la marque obligatoire, Paris.
    Further Reading
    H.Blémont, 1991, article in Dictionnaire de biographie française, Paris, pp. 676–7 (for a short account of his life).
    A.Siret, 1888–9, article in Biographie nationale de belgique, Vol. X, Brussels, col. 494– 500 (provides an impressive description of his restless character and a selected bibliography of his many publications.
    T.Tecklenburg, 1900, Handbuch der Tiefbohrkunde, 2nd edn, Vol. IV, Berlin, pp. 7–8 (contains detailed information on his method of rope drilling).

    Biographical history of technology > Jobard, Jean-Baptiste-Ambroise Marcelin

  • 11 Seattle

    [sɪˊætl] г. Сиэтл, крупнейший город штата Вашингтон ( с пригородами ок. 1,5 млн. жителей). Расположен на берегу залива Пьюджет-Саунд, в прошлом веке был окружён лесами. С приходом в этот район белых поселенцев в 1850-х гг. началась массовая вырубка лесов. Лесорубы даже сровняли пару холмов, чтобы облегчить транспортировку леса на юг в сторону Сан-Франциско. На месте одного из таких холмов находится нынешний деловой центр Сиэтла — средоточие небоскрёбов из бетона и стекла. В Сиэтле улица, называемая теперь просто Ряд [Row], в прошлом была дорогой, по которой брёвна оттаскивали волоком на лесопилку. Сейчас по обеим её сторонам ночные клубы и дискотеки. Лесопереработка ( целлюлозно-бумажная промышленность) осталась, но теперь главной является авиаракетная промышленность — в Сиэтле и его пригородах находятся заводы компании «Боинг» [Boeing Co.]. У Сиэтла хороший глубоководный порт. В 1897 в порту пришвартовалось судно, шедшее рейсом из Аляски, на его борту была целая тонна золота, и город стал «золотым». Сиэтл стал одним из центров золотой лихорадки из-за близости к Аляске. Второй бум наступил в 1962, когда Сиэтл стал местом проведения Всемирной выставки, послужившей стимулом к культурному росту города. Был построен театрально-концертный комплекс, над городом вознеслась ввысь башня Спейс-Нидл/«Космическая игла» [Space Needle]. Театр Сиэтла имеет хорошую профессиональную труппу, симфонический оркестр — мирового класса, а опера Сиэтла, ежегодно заканчивающая сезон Вагнеровским фестивалем [Wagner Ring Festival] — одна из наиболее выдающихся. В спорте у Сиэтла также достижения: его баскетбольная команда «Суперсоникс» [‘Supersonics’] пользуется общенациональной известностью. Залив: Пьюджент-Саунд [Puget Sound]. Районы, улицы, площади: площадь Первопроходцев [Pioneer Square], улица Роу/Ряд [Row], Международный район [International District]. Комплексы, здания, памятники: Сиэтл-Сентер [*Seattle Center], Тихоокеанский научный центр [Pacific Science Center]. Музеи, памятные места: Музей истории и промышленности [Museum of History and Industry]. Художественные музеи, выставки: павильон Сиэтлского художественного музея [Seattle Art Museum Pavilion], Сиэтлский художественный музей [Seattle Art Museum], Художественный музей Фрая [Frye Art Museum], Галерея Фостера Уайта [Foster White Gallery]. Культурные центры, театры: Сиэтлский симфонический оркестр [Seattle Symphony], Сиэтлская опера [Seattle Opera Association], Сиэтлский репертуарный театр [Seattle Repertory Theater], Театр Бэгли Райта [Bagley Wright Theater], Театр «Вторая сцена» [Second Stage], Театр «Интиман» [Intiman], «Современный театр» [Contemporary Theater], Театр Пятой авеню [5th Avenue Theater], Театр «Парамаунт» [Paramount Theater], Театр «Свободное пространство» [Empty Space Theater]. Учебные заведения, научные центры: Вашингтонский университет [University of Washington], Сиэтлский университет [Seattle University], Тихоокеанский университет Сиэтла [Seattle Pacific University]. Периодические издания: «Сиэтл пост-интеллидженсер» [‘Seattle Post-Intelligencer’], «Сиэтл таймс» [‘Seattle Times’]. Парки, зоопарки: Приморский парк [Waterfront Park], питомник Вашингтонского университета [University of Washington Arboretum], Национальный парк «Гора Рейниер» [Mount Rainier National Park]. Спорт. команды: баскетбольная «Сверхзвуковые» [‘Supersonics’], футбольная «Морские ястребы» [‘Seahawks’], бейсбольная «Моряки» [‘Mariners’]. Магазины, рынки: Пайк-Плейс-Маркет [Pike Place Market]. Отели: «Уэстин-Сиэтл» [Westin Hotel Seattle], «Сорренто» [‘Sorrento’], «Четыре сезона — Олимпик» [‘Four Seasons — Olympic’]. Рестораны: «Мирабо» [‘Mirabeau’], «Канлис» [‘Canlis’]. Транспорт: монорельсовая дорога [Monorail]. Достопримечательности: паромная переправа через Пьюджент-Саунд [Pugent Sound Ferry Ride]. Фестивали, праздники: Сиэтлская морская ярмарка [Seattle Seafair]

    США. Лингвострановедческий англо-русский словарь > Seattle

  • 12 Des Moines

    Город в центральной части штата Айова, у впадения р. Ракун [ Raccoon River] в р. Де-Мойн [ Des Moines River]. Столица штата (с 1857), административный центр [ county seat] округа Полк [Polk County]. 198,6 тыс. жителей (2000), с пригородами 456 тыс. жителей - крупнейший город штата. Торгово-финансовый центр сельскохозяйственного района (кукуруза, соя, свиноводство, мясное животноводство) - т.н. "Кормового и животноводческого пояса" [Feed Grains and Livestock Belt]. Производство сельскохозяйственной и строительной техники, штаб-квартиры многочисленных страховых компаний и др. Транспортный узел, международный аэропорт [Des Moines International Airport]. Университет Дрейка [ Drake University] (1881), Колледж остеопатической медицины и хирургии [College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery], колледж Гранд-Вью [Grand View College] (1896), Открытый библейский колледж [Open Bible College] (1931). Основан поселенцами-гомстедерами [ homesteader], в 1851 был известен как форт Де-Мойн [Fort Des Moines], статус города с 1857. Город серьезно пострадал от нескольких наводнений в 50-е гг. XX в., а также наводнений 1993-94 [Great Floods of 1993]. Ежегодная ярмарка штата Айова [Iowa State Fair] в августе. Среди достопримечательностей - здание Капитолия штата [State Capitol] (1871-1884), Демойнский центр искусства [Des Moines Art Center], Музей науки и промышленности [Center of Science and Industry; Science Center of Iowa], Исторический музей штата [State Historical Museum], "Историческая ферма" [Living History Farm] (музей сельского хозяйства под открытым небом в пригороде).

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Des Moines

  • 13 informática

    feminine of INFORMÁTICO.
    information technology, computer science, data processing, informatics.
    * * *
    1 computer science, computing
    * * *
    * * *
    femenino computer science, computing
    * * *
    = computer science, computing science, computing, computing field.
    Ex. The subject is an interdisciplinary one, with connections with computer science, the new media and the humanities and sciences generally.
    Ex. Although still wide, this definition excluded programmes in the computing science and information technology field designed for technologists.
    Ex. Developments in computing and telecommunication have brought about fundamental changes in worldwide business practices.
    Ex. The author summarises the subject coverage of the computing field, sources abstracted/indexed, content of the records and indexing practice.
    * acreditación en informática = computer driving licence.
    * acreditación europea en informática = European computer driving licence (ECDL).
    * aficionado a la informática = computer buff.
    * alfabetización en informática = computer literacy.
    * amante de la informática = computer buff.
    * aparato de informática del tamaño de la palma de la mano = palm computing device.
    * chiflado de la informática = computer geek.
    * con conocimiento de informática = computer literate [computer-literate].
    * conocimiento básicos de informática = computer literacy.
    * desde el punto de vista de la informática = computationally.
    * en la sala de informática = lab based [lab-based].
    * era de la informática, la = computer age, the.
    * experto en informática = computer expert.
    * formación en informática = computer literacy.
    * friki de la informática = computer geek, computer whiz.
    * friqui de la informática = computer geek, computer whiz.
    * informática a distancia = telecomputing.
    * informática aplicada a los museos = museum computing field.
    * informática caótica = chaotic computing.
    * informática documental = library computing, library computing field.
    * informática educativa = educational computing.
    * la industria de la informática = computer industry.
    * microinformática = micro-informatics.
    * revistas de informática = computer press, the.
    * sala de informática = computer room, computer lab, computer laboratory.
    * servicio de informática = computing service.
    * * *
    femenino computer science, computing
    * * *
    = computer science, computing science, computing, computing field.

    Ex: The subject is an interdisciplinary one, with connections with computer science, the new media and the humanities and sciences generally.

    Ex: Although still wide, this definition excluded programmes in the computing science and information technology field designed for technologists.
    Ex: Developments in computing and telecommunication have brought about fundamental changes in worldwide business practices.
    Ex: The author summarises the subject coverage of the computing field, sources abstracted/indexed, content of the records and indexing practice.
    * acreditación en informática = computer driving licence.
    * acreditación europea en informática = European computer driving licence (ECDL).
    * aficionado a la informática = computer buff.
    * alfabetización en informática = computer literacy.
    * amante de la informática = computer buff.
    * aparato de informática del tamaño de la palma de la mano = palm computing device.
    * chiflado de la informática = computer geek.
    * con conocimiento de informática = computer literate [computer-literate].
    * conocimiento básicos de informática = computer literacy.
    * desde el punto de vista de la informática = computationally.
    * en la sala de informática = lab based [lab-based].
    * era de la informática, la = computer age, the.
    * experto en informática = computer expert.
    * formación en informática = computer literacy.
    * friki de la informática = computer geek, computer whiz.
    * friqui de la informática = computer geek, computer whiz.
    * informática a distancia = telecomputing.
    * informática aplicada a los museos = museum computing field.
    * informática caótica = chaotic computing.
    * informática documental = library computing, library computing field.
    * informática educativa = educational computing.
    * la industria de la informática = computer industry.
    * microinformática = micro-informatics.
    * revistas de informática = computer press, the.
    * sala de informática = computer room, computer lab, computer laboratory.
    * servicio de informática = computing service.

    * * *
    computer science, computing
    * * *


    informática sustantivo femenino
    computer science, computing
    I adjetivo computer, computing: es un programa informático muy novedoso, it's a very innovative computer programme
    II sustantivo masculino y femenino (computer) technician
    informática sustantivo femenino computing, information technology
    ' informática' also found in these entries:
    - seguir
    - campo
    - novedad
    - piratería
    computer science
    - computing
    - data processing
    - hacking
    - information technology
    - computer
    - depth
    - information
    * * *
    1. [tecnología] computing, information technology;
    el departamento de informática de una empresa the IT department of a company;
    la empresa va a invertir más en informática the company is going to invest more in computers;
    no sé nada de informática I don't know anything about computers;
    se requieren conocimientos de informática candidates should be computer-literate
    informática de gestión business computing
    2. [asignatura] computer science
    * * *
    f information technology
    I adj computer atr
    II m, informática f IT specialist
    * * *
    : computer science, computing
    * * *
    informática n computing / information technology

    Spanish-English dictionary > informática

  • 14 Drake, Edwin Laurentine

    b. 29 March 1819 Greenville, New York, USA
    d. 8 November 1880 Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA
    American pioneer oil driller.
    He worked on his father's farm, was a clerk in a hotel and a store, and then became an express agent at a railway company in Springfield, Massachusetts, c.1845. After he had been working as a railway conductor in New Haven, Connecticut, for eight years, he resigned because of ill health. Owning some stocks in a Pennsylvania rock-oil company, which gathered oil from ground-level seepages mainly for medicinal use, he was engaged by this company and moved to Titusville, Pennsylvania, at the age of almost 40. After studying salt-well drilling by cable tool, which was still percussive, he became enthusiastic about the idea of using the same method to drill for oil, especially after researches in chemistry had revealed this new sort of fossil energy some years before.
    As a manager of the Seneca Oil Company, which referred to him as "Colonel" in letters of introduction simply to impress people with such titles, Drake began drilling in 1858, almost at the same time as pole-tool drilling for oil was started in Germany. His main contribution to the technology was the use of an iron pipe driven through the quicksand and the bedrock to prevent the bore-hole from filling. After nineteen months he struck oil at a depth of 21 m (69 ft) in August 1859. This was the first time that petroleum was struck at its source and the first proof of the presence of oil reservoirs within the earth's surface. Drake inaugurated the search for and the exploitation of the deep oil resources of the world and he initiated the science of petroleum engineering which became established at the beginning of the twentieth century.
    Drake failed to patent his drilling method; he was content being an oil commission merchant and Justice of the Peace in Titusville, which like other places in Pennsylvania became a boom town. Four years later he went to New York, where he lost all his money in oil speculations. He became very ill again and lived in poverty in Vermont and New Jersey until 1873, when he moved to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, where he was pensioned by the state of Pennsylvania. The city of Titusville erected a monument to him and founded the Drake Museum.
    Further Reading
    Dictionary of American Biography, Vol. III, pp. 427–8.
    Ida M.Tarbell, 1904, "The birth of industry", History of the Standard Oil Company, Vol. I, New York (gives a lively description of the booming years in Pennsylvania caused by Drake's successful drilling).
    H.F.Williamson and A.R.Daum, 1959, The American Petroleum Industry. The Age of Illumination, Evans ton, Ill.

    Biographical history of technology > Drake, Edwin Laurentine

  • 15 Ferranti, Sebastian Ziani de

    b. 9 April 1864 Liverpool, England
    d. 13 January 1930 Zurich, Switzerland
    English manufacturing engineer and inventor, a pioneer and early advocate of high-voltage alternating-current electric-power systems.
    Ferranti, who had taken an interest in electrical and mechanical devices from an early age, was educated at St Augustine's College in Ramsgate and for a short time attended evening classes at University College, London. Rather than pursue an academic career, Ferranti, who had intense practical interests, found employment in 1881 with the Siemens Company (see Werner von Siemens) in their experimental department. There he had the opportunity to superintend the installation of electric-lighting plants in various parts of the country. Becoming acquainted with Alfred Thomson, an engineer, Ferranti entered into a short-lived partnership with him to manufacture the Ferranti alternator. This generator, with a unique zig-zag armature, had an efficiency exceeding that of all its rivals. Finding that Sir William Thomson had invented a similar machine, Ferranti formed a company with him to combine the inventions and produce the Ferranti- Thomson machine. For this the Hammond Electric Light and Power Company obtained the sole selling rights.
    In 1885 the Grosvenor Gallery Electricity Supply Corporation was having serious problems with its Gaulard and Gibbs series distribution system. Ferranti, when consulted, reviewed the design and recommended transformers connected across constant-potential mains. In the following year, at the age of 22, he was appointed Engineer to the company and introduced the pattern of electricity supply that was eventually adopted universally. Ambitious plans by Ferranti for London envisaged the location of a generating station of unprecedented size at Deptford, about eight miles (13 km) from the city, a departure from the previous practice of placing stations within the area to be supplied. For this venture the London Electricity Supply Corporation was formed. Ferranti's bold decision to bring the supply from Deptford at the hitherto unheard-of pressure of 10,000 volts required him to design suitable cables, transformers and generators. Ferranti planned generators with 10,000 hp (7,460 kW)engines, but these were abandoned at an advanced stage of construction. Financial difficulties were caused in part when a Board of Trade enquiry in 1889 reduced the area that the company was able to supply. In spite of this adverse situation the enterprise continued on a reduced scale. Leaving the London Electricity Supply Corporation in 1892, Ferranti again started his own business, manufacturing electrical plant. He conceived the use of wax-impregnated paper-insulated cables for high voltages, which formed a landmark in the history of cable development. This method of flexible-cable manufacture was used almost exclusively until synthetic materials became available. In 1892 Ferranti obtained a patent which set out the advantages to be gained by adopting sector-shaped conductors in multi-core cables. This was to be fundamental to the future design and development of such cables.
    A total of 176 patents were taken out by S.Z. de Ferranti. His varied and numerous inventions included a successful mercury-motor energy meter and improvements to textile-yarn produc-tion. A transmission-line phenomenon where the open-circuit voltage at the receiving end of a long line is greater than the sending voltage was named the Ferranti Effect after him.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    FRS 1927. President, Institution of Electrical Engineers 1910 and 1911. Institution of Electrical Engineers Faraday Medal 1924.
    18 July 1882, British patent no. 3,419 (Ferranti's first alternator).
    13 December 1892, British patent no. 22,923 (shaped conductors of multi-core cables). 1929, "Electricity in the service of man", Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers 67: 125–30.
    Further Reading
    G.Z.de Ferranti and R. Ince, 1934, The Life and Letters of Sebastian Ziani de Ferranti, London.
    A.Ridding, 1964, S.Z.de Ferranti. Pioneer of Electric Power, London: Science Museum and HMSO (a concise biography).
    R.H.Parsons, 1939, Early Days of the Power Station Industry, Cambridge, pp. 21–41.

    Biographical history of technology > Ferranti, Sebastian Ziani de

  • 16 Cort, Henry

    SUBJECT AREA: Metallurgy
    b. 1740 Lancaster, England
    d. 1800 Hampstead, near London, England
    English ironmaster, inventor of the puddling process and grooved rollers for forming iron into bars.
    His father was a mason and brickmaker but, anxious to improve himself, Cort set up in London in 1765 as a navy agent, said to have been a profitable business. He recognized that, at that time, the conversion of pig iron to malleable or wrought iron, which was needed in increasing quantities as developments in industry and mechanical engineering gathered pace, presented a bottleneck in the ironmaking process. The finery hearth was still in use, slow and inefficient and requiring the scarce charcoal as fuel. To tackle this problem, Cort gave up his business and acquired a furnace and slitting mill at Fontley, near Fareham in Hampshire. In 1784 he patented his puddling process, by which molten pig iron on the bed of a reverberatory furnace was stirred with an iron bar and, by the action of the flame and the oxygen in the air, the carbon in the pig iron was oxidized, leaving nearly pure iron, which could be forged to remove slag. In this type of furnace, the fuel and the molten iron were separated, so that the cheaper coal could be used as fuel. It was the stirring action with the iron bar that gave the name "puddling" to the process. Others had realized the problem and reached a similar solution, notably the brothers Thomas and George Cranage, but only Cort succeeded in developing a commercially viable process. The laborious hammering of the ball of iron thus produced was much reduced by an invention of the previous year, 1783. This too was patented. The iron was passed between grooved rollers to form it into bars. Cort entered into an agreement with Samuel Jellico to set up an ironworks at Gosport to exploit his inventions. Samuel's father Adam, Deputy Paymaster of the Navy, advanced capital for this venture, Cort having expended much of his own resources in the experimental work that preceded his inventions. However, it transpired that Jellico senior had, unknown to Cort, used public money to advance the capital; the Admiralty acted to recover the money and Cort lost heavily, including the benefits from his patents. Rival ironmasters were quick to pillage the patents. In 1790, and again the following year, Cort offered unsuccessfully to work for the military. Finally, in 1794, at the instigation of the Prime Minister, William Pitt the Younger, Cort was paid a pension of £200 per year in recognition of the value of his improvements in the technology of ironmaking, although this was reduced by deductions to £160. After his death, the pension to his widow was halved, while some of his children received a pittance. Without the advances made by Cort, however, the iron trade could not have met the rapidly increasing demand for iron during the industrial revolution.
    1787, A Brief State of Facts Relative to the New Method of Making Bar Iron with Raw Pit Coal and Grooved Rollers (held in the Science Museum Library archive collection).
    Further Reading
    H.W.Dickinson, 1941, "Henry Cort's bicentary", Transactions of the Newcomen Society 21: 31–47 (there are further references to grooved rollers and the puddling process in Vol. 49 of the same periodical (1978), on pp. 153–8).
    R.A.Mott, 1983, Henry Con, the Great Finery Creator of Puddled Iron, Sheffield: Historical Metallurgy Society.

    Biographical history of technology > Cort, Henry

  • 17 Roe, Sir Edwin Alliott Verdon

    SUBJECT AREA: Aerospace
    b. 26 April 1877 Manchester, England
    d. 4 January 1958 London, England
    English designer of one of the most successful biplanes of all time, the Avro 504.
    A.V.Roe served an apprenticeship at a railway works, studied marine engineering at Kings College London, served at sea as an engineer, and then took a job in the motor-car industry. His hobby was flying: after studying bird-flight, he built several flying models and in 1907 one of these won a prize offered by the Daily Mail. With the prize money he built a full-size aeroplane loosely based on the Flyer of the Wright brothers, with whom he had corresponded. In September, Roe took his biplane to the motorracing circuit at Brooklands, in Surrey, but it made only a few hops and his activities were not welcomed. Roe then moved to Essex, where he assembled his new aeroplane under the arch of a railway bridge. This was a triplane design with the engine at the front (a "tractor"), and during 1909 it made several flights (this triplane is preserved by the Science Museum in London).
    In 1910 Roe and his brother Humphrey founded A.V.Roe \& Co. in Manchester, they described it the "Aviator's Storehouse". During the next three years Roe designed and built aeroplanes in Manchester, then transported them to Brooklands to fly (the authorities now made him more welcome). One of the most significant of these was his Type D tractor biplane of 1911, which led to the Avro 504 two-seater trainer of 1913. This was one of the most successful trainers of all time, as around 10,000 were built. In November 1914 a flight of Avro 504s carried out the first-ever bombing raid when they attacked German airship sheds as Friedrichshafen. A.V.Roe produced the first aeroplanes with enclosed cabins during 1912: the Type F monoplane and Type G biplane. After the war, his Avian was used for several record-breaking flights. In 1928 he sold his interest in the company bearing his name and joined forces with Saunders Ltd of Cowes, on the Isle of Wight, to found Saunders-Roe Ltd. "Saro" produced a series of flying boats, from the four-seat Cutty Sark of 1929 to the large, and ill-fated, Princess of 1952.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Knighted 1929 (in 1933 he incorporated his mother's name to become Sir Alliott VerdonRoe). Honorary Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society 1948.
    Further Reading
    L.J.Ludovic, 1956, the Challenging Sky.
    A.J.Jackson, 1908, Avro Aircraft since 1908, London (a detailed account).

    Biographical history of technology > Roe, Sir Edwin Alliott Verdon

  • 18 Stringfellow, John

    SUBJECT AREA: Aerospace
    b. 6 December 1799 Sheffield, England
    d. 13 December 1883 Chard, England
    English inventor and builder of a series of experimental model aeroplanes.
    After serving an apprenticeship in the lace industry, Stringfellow left Nottingham in about 1820 and moved to Chard in Somerset, where he set up his own business. He had wide interests such as photography, politics, and the use of electricity for medical treatment. Stringfellow met William Samuel Henson, who also lived in Chard and was involved in lacemaking, and became interested in his "aerial steam carriage" of 1842–3. When support for this project foundered, Henson and Stringfellow drew up an agreement "Whereas it is intended to construct a model of an Aerial Machine". They built a large model with a wing span of 20 ft (6 m) and powered by a steam engine, which was probably the work of Stringfellow. The model was tested on a hillside near Chard, often at night to avoid publicity, but despite many attempts it never made a successful flight. At this point Henson emigrated to the United States. From 1848 Stringfellow continued to experiment with models of his own design, starting with one with a wing span of 10 ft (3m). He decided to test it in a disused lace factory, rather than in the open air. Stringfellow fitted a horizontal wire which supported the model as it gained speed prior to free flight. Unfortunately, neither this nor later models made a sustained flight, despite Stringfellow's efficient lightweight steam engine. For many years Stringfellow abandoned his aeronautical experiments, then in 1866 when the (Royal) Aeronautical Society was founded, his interest was revived. He built a steam-powered triplane, which was demonstrated "flying" along a wire at the world's first Aeronautical Exhibition, held at Crystal Palace, London, in 1868. Stringfellow also received a cash prize for one of his engines, which was the lightest practical power unit at the Exhibition. Although Stringfellow's models never achieved a really successful flight, his designs showed the way for others to follow. Several of his models are preserved in the Science Museum in London.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Member of the (Royal) Aeronautical Society 1868.
    Many of Stringfellow's letters and papers are held by the Royal Aeronautical Society, London.
    Further Reading
    Harald Penrose, 1988, An Ancient Air: A Biography of John Stringfellow, Shrewsbury. A.M.Balantyne and J.Laurence Pritchard, 1956, "The lives and work of William Samuel Henson and John Stringfellow", Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society (June) (an attempt to analyse conflicting evidence).
    M.J.B.Davy, 1931, Henson and Stringfellow, London (an earlier work with excellent drawings from Henson's patent).
    "The aeronautical work of John Stringfellow, with some account of W.S.Henson", Aeronau-tical Classics No. 5 (written by John Stringfellow's son and held by the Royal Aeronautical Society in London).

    Biographical history of technology > Stringfellow, John

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